Approximately 20 years ago, Dr. Kumar came up with the idea for a new proximal humerus plate to improve internal fixation of fractures as existing locking plates provided initial stability, but were too stiff and could potentially delay fracture healing. Dr. Kumar was inspired by the flexibility and strength of leaves, as well as the homes and basilica designed by Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi, during his travels abroad. While traveling, he sketched some initial design ideas for the plate. Over time, he refined these ideas, ultimately arriving at the plate’s current design. Over the next several years, he continued to develop the plate by hiring a medical device design team to come up with CAD models of the plate. He then hired a mechanical engineer to finalize the design for mechanical testing, with the final form of the Gaudi Plate manufactured by a company that specializes in medical fracture plates.

“We performed three years of testing and retesting before we submitted our results to the FDA,” said Dr. Kumar. “After submitting our results, the FDA recommended additional testing on the plate and screws, extending the process to four years, but they were very helpful throughout. On our second filing, the FDA accepted our results and cleared the medical device for marketing in the U.S. in July 2024.” Currently, Dr. Kumar is the only orthopedic surgeon in the U.S. using the Gaudi Plate for internal fixation of proximal humerus fractures.

In December 2024, Jean Totti, a Coastal Orthopedics patient, was the first patient ever to undergo surgery inserting the netBiologics Gaudi Plate to treat a shoulder fracture he sustained from a fall while vacationing in Spain. Ironically, the injury occurred in the Casa Batlló, a building designed by Gaudi that inspired Kumar to design the plate.

“After my accident in Barcelona, Dr. Kumar and I shared some amazing coincidences, like the plate he created, the Gaudi, being inspired by a building I visited the night before in Spain,” said Totti. “It was all so exciting, and I had no reservations about being the first to have it. The experience has been fantastic, and I’m currently doing physical therapy. Once recovered, I’m eager to get back into cycling and try pickleball.”

Since then, Dr. Kumar has performed three additional cases on patients with the plate, including a professionally ranked frisbee golf player. Once he performs 10 to 15 surgeries with the device, he plans to submit the results for publication in a scientific journal, as well as allow other orthopedic surgeons to use the plate to get their feedback.