Janet´s Story Two knee replacement surgeriesJanet had two knee replacement surgeries almost exactly a year apart. As a retired nurse educator from a hospital system in Pittsburgh, she did a lot of research and planning for these surgeries, and would like to share her experience.

Were you glad that you waited a year between surgeries?

My right knee replacement occurred almost exactly one year after my left knee replacement. Both were done robotically by Dr. Alan Valadie. Both surgeries and recoveries were trouble free. Would I have a year gap again…. yes, I would! The time frame allowed my body to fully heal and prepare properly for the second surgery. At 12 weeks post second surgery I was walking in Walt Disney World – over 4 miles per day!

How did you prepare for your procedure?

Preparation included doing pre and post exercises independently. I also had a private trainer pre surgery and continued with them once physical therapy sessions ended. Keeping my muscles strong and gaining as much flexibility were key components of my pre and post recoveries. Even though I lost strength post-surgery I was still ahead of the game because of my pre-surgery prep. Both pre- and post-surgery also included being conscious of my nutritional intake.

How was your post-operative experience?

Post-surgery, I cannot encourage one enough to follow the icing, ambulating and medication instructions. My pain and discomfort was minimal. Ambulation is key, not only for your knee, but for your entire body (helps keep the whole body working properly).

Any other suggestions for someone having a knee replacement surgery?

As with my first surgery, it was very important to have family and friends available to assist me, especially crucial during the first post op week. Don’t forget to have a backup plan in case a helper is not available.

I cannot thank Coastal Orthopedics enough for setting up all my pre and post op appointments prior to my surgery – all I had to do was show up and post-surgery, just recover.