Rotator cuff syndrome is a common injury of the shoulder. Your rotator cuff is a small group of four muscles that control the ball and socket joint that make up the shoulder. When these muscles sustain an injury or a tear, it is often referred to as rotator cuff syndrome. The condition can be minor or extremely problematic, depending on the severity of the injury, as your rotator cuff is responsible for stabilizing and controlling your shoulder.

Symptoms of Rotator Cuff Syndrome

Rotator cuff syndrome is essentially an umbrella term that can describe a range of injuries in the shoulder. As a result, there are numerous symptoms of rotator cuff syndrome. The most common symptoms are:

  • Shoulder pain that occurs when lying on your side
  • Shoulder pain that occurs at rest
  • Shoulder pain that occurs when your arm is at your side or raised above your head
  • Shoulder weakness
  • A clicking sound when you move your shoulder

How to Treat Rotator Cuff Syndrome

Treatment for rotator cuff syndrome varies depending on how minor or severe the injury is. In any case, it’s important that you have an exam performed by an experienced physician since your rotator cuff is important for control and stability of the shoulder. While some injuries may be treated with rest, others may require surgery or physical therapy. If physical therapy is needed, treatment is often given based around these steps:

  • Protect the injury
  • Regain full range of motion in the affected shoulder
  • Regain scapular control of the affected shoulder
  • Restore neck and shoulder function
  • Restore the strength of the rotator cuff and ultimately agility