Hand and Wrist Pain
Wrist and Hand Surgery and Pain Management
Table of Contents

What is the Anatomy of the Hand?
The hand is one of the most complex, and flexible body parts in the human body. The hand consists of 19 bones, not including the carpal or wrist bones. The bones are separated into two categories: metacarpals and phalanges.
There are five metacarpal bones, which are found in each finger. These metacarpal bones contribute to the mobility of each finger. There are also fourteen interphalangeal joints. The index, middle, ring and pinky finger each have three interphalangeal joints while the thumb has only two.
The hand is comprised of many muscles, tendons, and nerves. These contribute to the mobility, grip, and flexibility of the hand.
There are many ridges found on the hand, which are unique to each person. These one-of-a-kind ridges help to identify each individual.
Common Hand & Wrist Conditions
What is the Importance of the Hand?
Like the wrist, the hand is vital to many daily activities. You’d have a challenging time thinking of a task you perform daily that does not require the use of your hand. For everything from turning a doorknob to driving a car, having a healthy hand is important.
If you are experiencing problems with over usage, long-term pain, or have a recent injury please contact one of our highly skilled orthopedic specialists.
What is the Anatomy of the Wrist?
The wrist, which is also known as the carpus, is made up of eight carpal bones. Carpal bones are some of the smallest bones in the human body. The carpal bones are aligned in two rows, the proximal and distal.
The bones that are considered distal are further away from the point of attachment, while proximal refers to the bones that closer to the point of attachment.
The wrist also consists of the distal ends of the ulna and radius. The ulna and radius are the two bones that help to make up the forearm.
The wrist connects the hand to the ulna and radius. The ulna, which is larger than the radius, runs all the way from the elbow to the pinky finger, while the radius runs from the elbow to the thumb.
What is the Importance of the Wrist
The wrist joint is used in many day-to-day activities. Sports, such as golf and tennis, can put extreme stress on the wrist. Long-term wear and tear resulting in pain from sports such as these can make it nearly impossible to participate.
Wrist injuries can have an effect in the workplace. If you have a strenuous job involving the use of your hands or one that has you glued to a computer, symptoms may increase with usage.