Outpatient Surgery

Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery, Out is the New IN

Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

Traditionally, joint replacement surgery is an inpatient procedure carried out in the hospital with a three- to four-night hospital stay. Improvements in surgical technique, as well as anesthesia, pain management, and joint replacement implant technology, have made it feasible for Coastal Orthopedics’ physicians and surgeons to perform these procedures as an outpatient procedure for select patients.

Our Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center offers same-day outpatient surgery and features the latest in cutting-edge medical equipment and surgical devices to allow our physicians to perform the most effective techniques for each case.

Our trained and board-certified physicians are nationally-recognized experts, ensuring your surgery goes smoothly. Recovery at home is faster, safer and generally less expensive so you can get back to your life sooner.

Advanced Surgical Techniques

Advances in orthopedic surgical techniques have increased the number of surgical procedures that can be performed as outpatient surgery. Remarkably, this includes hip, knee and shoulder replacements.

It’s estimated that more than 900,000 knee, 900,000 hip, and 53,000 shoulder replacements are performed in the U.S. each year, most commonly because of arthritic or worn-out joints.

Can Hip and Knee Replacement be an Outpatient Surgery?

Same-day outpatient joint replacement is not for everyone. However, for the right candidates having a hip, knee or shoulder replacement procedure in an outpatient surgery center instead of the hospital has many benefits.

What are Some Common Outpatient Surgery Procedures?

Outpatient surgery procedures offered at Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center:

What are the Benefits of Outpatient Surgery?

At Coastal Orthopedics, we have one outpatient surgery center. The benefits of an ambulatory surgery are:

  • Less expensive: Having your surgery at our outpatient surgery center generally costs less than the same procedure at a hospital, where you must consider the cost of a hospital stay.
  • Works around your schedule: At a hospital, scheduled surgery can be delayed by emergencies. At our outpatient surgery center, you can book your surgery and the procedure will be performed the day it is scheduled.
  • More comfortable: Outpatient surgery is less stressful than inpatient surgery and the convenience of recovering in your home can make recovery time much easier for both you and your family.

State-of-the-Art Ambulatory Surgery Center

At Coastal Orthopedics, we take extraordinary pride in our ability to provide exceptional care. That’s why we are pleased to offer one AHCA and AAAHC-accredited, state-of-the-art ambulatory surgery center.

Our Surgery Center, Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center, offers same-day surgery and features the latest in cutting-edge medical equipment and surgical devices to allow our physicians to perform the most effective techniques for each case.

Coastal Orthopedics SR 64 East 8000 SR 64 East Bradenton, Florida 34212 (941) 792-1404

The Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center
8000 SR 64 East, Suite 205, Bradenton, FL 34212
Surgery(941) 782-0101
Surgery Fax: (941) 748-8587

Just east of Interstate 75, our Coastal Orthopedics Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center is located on the 2nd floor of our SR 64 East Bradenton Location. You can enter by turning right on SR 64 heading East or off of Lena Road past the RaceTrac Gas station.

Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center

Services are provided in this health care facility by our providers as well as by other healthcare providers who may separately bill the patient and whom may not participate with the same health insurers or health maintenance organizations as the facility as applicable.

Listed below is the contact information for health care service providers that may be involved in your surgery.

Sound Anesthesia:

PO Box 741658, Los Angeles, CA 90074-1658

Email Address: SNDAbilling@mydoc.bill

Phone: (855) 495-1400

For procedures after March 31, 2025 please contact: 

Outpatient Anesthesia Solutions

Phone: (727) 203-5114


Quest Pathology:

8451 Shade Ave, Sarasota, FL 34243;

Phone: 866-697-8378

Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center Billing Department:

8000 SR 64 East Suite 205, Bradenton, FL, 34212;

Phone: 941-782-0101 extension 7010

Coastal Orthopedics:

8000 SR 64 East, Bradenton, FL 34212;

Phone: 941-782-0102

Click here for a list of Coastal Orthopedics Physicians: https://coastalorthopedics.com/physicians/

Our Physicians own our Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center. Patients may have their procedure performed at another facility where their surgeon has privileges. You need to contact your surgeon’s assistant to make those arrangements.

To find more information on the Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center from the state of Florida government go to www.floridahealthfinder.gov/ for quality measures and statistics regarding our facilities.

Beginning January 1, 2022, patients have a right to an estimate of the cost of services they will receive during a procedure or surgery, called a Good Faith Estimate, and more protection from unexpected, or surprise, bills when they receive care from out-of-network providers at in-network facilities. These protections are part of the of Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 which includes the No Surprises Act.

Estimate of Charges

Upon request by the patient, and before the provision of non-emergency care, our facility provides a good faith estimate of reasonably anticipated charges for the treatment of the patient’s specific condition. This estimate will be provided within 7 business days of the request; however, patients should contact their insurer concerning cost-sharing responsibilities.


Patients and prospective patients may request from this facility and other health care providers a more personalized estimate of charges and other information. Patients and prospective patients should contact each health care practitioner who will provide services in the Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center to determine the health insurers and health maintenance organizations with which the health care practitioner participates as a network provider or preferred provider. A list of Insurances accepted can be found here: https://coastalorthopedics.com/patient-resources/financial-information

Financial Assistance Policy: The Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center offers patients many options to reduce their financial responsibility for services rendered by our Surgery Center. Please contact our business office for more information on our financial assistance policies. Surgeons, anesthesiologists, and other service providers bill for their services separately from our facility and may have their own financial assistance programs. The contact info for our billing office and our service providers are listed above.

Charity Care Policy: In an effort to assist low-income families and individuals, Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center offers discounted services to qualified applicants if they are unable to pay their financial liability costs for medically necessary care. Please contact the business office for more information on applying.

Care Credit is available for procedures performed at the Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center. This option allows monthly payments to be made to Care Credit. The Care Credit program information will be provided to the patient by the insurance department.

It is the patient’s responsibility to inform the Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center of their insurance information.  If the information provided to the surgery is inaccurate, the patient may be held responsible for the balance of the procedure. The insurance verification department will call the patient to inform the patient of their financial responsibility for the procedure. Patients are responsible for understanding their insurance coverage and for paying their patient responsibility. The receptionist at the Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center  will confirm the insurance information obtained by the physician’s office. The patient will be asked to review and sign a Demographic Form stating the information is correct. The Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center will bill the provided insurance policies as a courtesy. Any outstanding monies due after the patient’s insurance carrier has paid and deemed patient responsibility will be billed to the patient. The patient will receive a preliminary statement 7 days after the procedure has been performed and will also receive a statement generated on a monthly basis.

Patients are expected to pay their financial liability on or before the day of service. We offer 90-day payment plans with half of the balance due at the time of service and the remaining balance must be paid within 90 days of the procedure. If the account is not paid after the third monthly statement has been mailed, the Musculoskeletal Ambulatory Surgery Center will contact the patient in order to collect payment in full.  If payment in full is not made within 24 hours, the collector will forward the account to the Billing Office Manager for review and approval to be referred to an outside collection agency. If you are unable to meet this financial liability, please contact the business office for more information.

For patients with non-government insurance coverage, we may offer a discount for full payment of your estimated financial liability on or before the day of service.

Patients may access the State of Florida’s Agency for Healthcare Administration website for information about this Surgery Center’s Fee Schedule and patient rights under the Florida Health Care Transparency Act. https://healthfinder.fl.gov/

Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration provides information about pricing and quality to help Floridians make more informed health care decisions. https://price.healthfinder.fl.gov/#!

**The service bundle information is a non-personalized estimate of costs that may be incurred by the patient for anticipated services. Actual costs will be based on services provided.
