It’s not uncommon for people to believe that their job is causing them wrist pain. After a full day of typing and completing other tasks that require repetitive wrist motion, it’s natural for our wrists to feel sore afterward. But if the pain persists long after you’ve clocked out and continues to bother you on your days off, your job may be one of the causes. The discomfort you’re experiencing could be a condition called carpal tunnel. Learn more about carpal tunnel and other wrist pains and what causes them here.

What Is Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a numbness, tingling, weakness or pain that occurs in your hand as a result of pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. The pain can occur between your hand and your elbow.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is associated with the feeling of pain, numbness or weakness in your hand or wrist. It is often caused by a combination of genetic and environmental conditions. This can be anything from completing repetitive tasks requiring wrist movement at work or medical conditions such as pregnancy, diabetes, arthritis, gout, lupus or obesity. Completing repetitive work tasks with one or more of those conditions will make you more susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Other Wrist Pain Injuries

While carpal tunnel is usually the most discussed causes of wrist pain, other possible work injuries, such as sprains and fractures, could contribute to wrist pain too. While not as serious as carpal tunnel, if you leave any fractures or sprains untreated, the injuries could worsen and potentially cause a deformity of your fingers or wrist. In any case, if you suspect you’ve sustained a serious injury, seek the appropriate medical attention.

Treatment Options

Anyone dealing with wrist pain would want to get treated as soon as possible, especially if it interferes with his or her life outside of work. If you believe the injury is more serious, you may want to seek professional help and get a proper diagnosis and treatment recommendation.